Duane Lawrence, President -   Duane worked as a community pharmacist and business owner for many years.  In 1987, he took a medical trip to an orphan home in Mexico and saw needs he had not seen before.  He determined at that time to devote more time to serving the needs of the less fortunate. Since that first trip, Duane has worked as a medical mission leader, has worked in several inner city clinics and has worked with international relief teams in areas such as Indonesia after the 2004 Tsunami. He has also worked in Ecuador, Belize, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Myanmar and in other countries.  He has led medical student groups, foundation groups and church groups to do work in South America and elsewhere for the past two decades.


Vernon Ralph Willcox, Vice-President/Treasurer-  Ralph is a dentist in Edmond, Oklahoma. For the past 20 years, he has joined short term medical teams that traveled to developing countries.  Most of  these trips have been to  Ecuador, where he has had the privilege of providing dental services to many of the indigenous people of that country.  He has seen Ecuadorian teenagers who translated for him grow to become responsible parents and has some graduate from professional schools. He traveled to Haiti shortly after the earthquake struck to help provide clean water with special filtration devices and teach hygiene techniques to help stop the spread of disease. Ralph is committed to providing knowledge and experience from his past to the future experience with hands on approach to this endeavor.  

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Carol Holland, Secretary/Director - Carol is a retired Clinical Laboratory Scientist. Responsibilities have ranged from simple lab testing to managing a laboratory that consisted of 250 employees, 7 locations, and numerous difficult testing platforms.  She went on her first medical trip in 1994 to Ecuador and fell in love with people in that country.  She has a heart for serving people in less fortunate areas, providing medical care where there is none, providing encouragement, and any assistance that can be given. Since that first trip, she has been on or led more than 40 trips to Ecuador, Mexico, and Nicaragua.  


Samuel Andrew Hewes, Director -  Sam is a Senior Vice President of Bank of Oklahoma and lives in Edmond, Oklahoma.   Sam’s primary function is a manager of engineering for energy lending.   He is a Board Member on Oklahoma’s National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), a state trainer for NAMI facilitator training, NAMI facilitator and Family to Family teacher, and Past President of NAMI affiliate.  He has developed and implemented Christian support groups for the mentally ill and their caregivers.  He has participated in medical teams efforts in Ecuador and other mission efforts both domestic and international. 


Joey Sager, Director - Joey is Managing Director at Venturi Wealth Management in Oklahoma City.  He is involved in his community and his church, serving on leadership and ministry teams. He has been a speaker at  conferences around the country for over 20 years and has traveled regularly with mission teams to Central and South America, Eastern Europe, Africa, Russia, the US, the Caribbean, and Mexico.  He enjoys working with children and is a volunteer with children’s groups homes in Oklahoma. He has coordinated a children’s eye clinic at a local mission center and has served as a director and volunteer at a clinic that offers free medical and counseling services.  Joey currently serves on the Board of Directors at Integris Health and at Integris Baptist Medical Center in Oklahoma City, where he was board chairman for three years and has chaired the Quality and governance Committees. He was board chairman of Ethnographic Media, a film company which used film and video to document and explore the stories and social issues of our time.  Joey is past president of Southwest American Livestock Foundation and was an officer and director of the Oklahoma Youth Expo, Inc.  A fan of history, he serves as a board member for Friends of the Oklahoma History Center.  

Frank Davis, M.D,  Medical Director - Frank Davis MD is the Medical Director for One World. He was born and raised in Prague. That is the Oklahoma version, though the town was settled by Czech immigrants and holds an annual Kolache festival. Dr. Davis received a biology degree from Oklahoma City University in 1974, graduated from medical school at the University of Oklahoma in 1978, and completed his residency at the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City in 1981. He is board certified in Family medicine and in Geriatrics and recently retired from his practice at Mercy Westbrook Clinic in Edmond, Oklahoma.

Dr. Davis has made some medical trips to Guatemala, has done 10 weeks in Africa and made many trips to Ecuador. He especially loves working with the team in Ecuador!